on line learning



Could anyone suggests an on line learning course of Access 2003?
I am a new user with limited Access knowledge, case study or exercise in the
training is needed. Thanks.



if you live in the U.S., suggest you check out colleges (including community
colleges) and universities in your state for online Access classes. for
instance, in California quite a number of schools offer a variety of online
software classes including Access. BUT, in my experience, most Access
classes of this sort teach you the basic mechanics of how to use the
software - with little or no instruction in relational design principles.
that's like teaching someone how to "use" a car, without also teaching the
rules of the road. recommend you also, or first, search for a class in
"relational design" or "data modeling". there are also a number of online
resources, and books, that you can use to learn data modeling on your own.
for more information, see http://home.att.net/~california.db/tips.html, tips
1 and 2, in that order.



well, i took a cursory look, and was dismayed to see that the section on
"Relationships and Data Integrity" is lesson 17 - when, IMHO, it should be
1. on skimming through the lesson, i saw that relational design was touched
on very lightly - certainly not well and fully explained - and the lesson
quickly segued into the mechanics of creating a table. unfortunately, the
instructions in using the table wizard used an example that breaks a basic
rule of relational design: creating FirstName, LastName, and *FullName*

that was enough for me; i wouldn't recommend this site for learning the most
important aspect of using Access - basing the database structure on the
principles of relational design.


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