on/off button?



Okay, this may sound a bit wierd, but, here goes. I need
to add a button that when clicked sets a property on or
off. What I am going for (final product) is a simple
interface for a job tracking system in a quick print/copy
shop situation. Help?

Armen Stein

Okay, this may sound a bit wierd, but, here goes. I need
to add a button that when clicked sets a property on or
off. What I am going for (final product) is a simple
interface for a job tracking system in a quick print/copy
shop situation. Help?
Hi Don,

It seems that you want an actual button, not the normal checkbox that is
often used for a true/false field.

In the On Click event of the button, you can add some code to check the
field (I think that's what you mean by "property") and set it to it's
opposite value. For example:

If Me.MyField = "A" Then
Me.MyField = "B"
Me.MyField = "A"
End If

Hope this helps,

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