On starting Word I get error COMCTL32.OCK


John Batterham

After reinstalling Office 2003 following a hard drive replacement, I now get
the error "COMCTL32.ock or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:
a file is missing or invalid" each time I start Word.
This does not seem to cause any immediate problems but I'd like to be able
to correct this.

John Batterham

Anne - thanks.
I hadn't but I have now run Repair from the Help Menu. Unfortunately I am
still getting the same error.

John Batterham

Your idea about it not being a Microsoft file seemed valuable.
I had a closer look and instead of Error the information box is labelled
ZnWordAddIn with the message inside as per my earlier advice.
I have followed your useful troubleshooting links and replaced Normal.dot
and did the Registry renaming trick. Then I ran Word and it did it's
reinstallation thing.
The problem persisted so I went into Tools/Templates and Add Ins to find the
only thing was some Toolbar in XML Schemas that had been installed when I was
loading the program PDF Nitro Professional that I am still trying to get
A search on the Internet for ZnWordAddIn brought back a couple of responses
including one from Nitro PDF about looking for a ZnWordAddIn.dll file.
Following the principles in the Word troubleshooting I renamed this file to
Old... . I restarted Word again and this time it did a reinstall revolving
around the Nitro PDF driver.
AND it has fixed the problem!!!
I am about to get my IT Support person to assist in taking Nitro's advice
about needing to "lower the firewall and turn off virus scanning software" so
that I can reactivate my Nitro PDF correctly.
In the meantime please accept my genuine thanks for your assistance and help
in resolving this issue for me.

Anne Troy

You are QUITE welcome, John! When someone comes back and explains and thanks
you, well... it makes it ALL worthwhile. :) I'm so glad I could help!
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

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