On Submit Validate info with Database




I hope some one can help me i have a webpage that post details enter on the
page into a Database. Which works fine but what i want is before it submits
the info to the database i want to verify if the User-ID enter in the form is
in my user database if yes then submit else say that the User-ID is wrong.

Is this possible if yes how.


Thomas A. Rowe

Yes, it is possible, the best option would be to have all users login first, then they can add or
update records, etc.

Do a search ASP Login Scripts.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



Maybe i explained it wrong this is a intranet site where users request access
to a system that i administrate and i have a database which list me all ID
that we have in the company no what i want is when the user request access
the has to type in his ID on the website but i want to verify it if he typed
it in correctly by comparing it with the company ID database and if it is
valid summit the info type into the website to a database and if its nor
correct alert the user saying that he type it a invalid userid


Thomas A. Rowe

Ok, if this is a company intranet, then all employees should have to have been set up with access
prior to having access to a computer, so they would already have a login so that when he access your
system you should already know his ID.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Thomas A. Rowe

Actually the system should already know his ID.

Otherwise, you will have to write custom ASP/VBScript to first query the database to for the entered
ID when the form is submit, and if the ID exist, then write the remaining data to the database. The
problem with this approach is that a incorrectly enter ID could still be a valid ID.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage



THat what i want a asp/vbscript that will query the database for what has
been entered and if its correct submit else do not submit

So the main problem is i dont know how to write the script


Stefan B Rusynko

See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=321439


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| THat what i want a asp/vbscript that will query the database for what has
| been entered and if its correct submit else do not submit
| So the main problem is i dont know how to write the script
| Regards
| Markus
| "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > Actually the system should already know his ID.
| >
| > Otherwise, you will have to write custom ASP/VBScript to first query the database to for the entered
| > ID when the form is submit, and if the ID exist, then write the remaining data to the database. The
| > problem with this approach is that a incorrectly enter ID could still be a valid ID.
| >
| > --
| > ==============================================
| > Thomas A. Rowe
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >
| > http://www.Ecom-Data.com
| > ==============================================
| >
| >
| > > Ok, if this is a company intranet, then all employees should have to have been set up with access
| > > prior to having access to a computer, so they would already have a login so that when he access
| > > your system you should already know his ID.
| > >
| > > --
| > > ==============================================
| > > Thomas A. Rowe
| > > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > >
| > > http://www.Ecom-Data.com
| > > ==============================================
| > >
| > >
| > > | > >> Maybe i explained it wrong this is a intranet site where users request access
| > >> to a system that i administrate and i have a database which list me all ID
| > >> that we have in the company no what i want is when the user request access
| > >> the has to type in his ID on the website but i want to verify it if he typed
| > >> it in correctly by comparing it with the company ID database and if it is
| > >> valid summit the info type into the website to a database and if its nor
| > >> correct alert the user saying that he type it a invalid userid
| > >>
| > >> Regards
| > >> Markus
| > >>
| > >> "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > >>
| > >>> Yes, it is possible, the best option would be to have all users login first, then they can add
| > >>> or
| > >>> update records, etc.
| > >>>
| > >>> Do a search ASP Login Scripts.
| > >>>
| > >>> --
| > >>> ==============================================
| > >>> Thomas A. Rowe
| > >>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > >>>
| > >>> http://www.Ecom-Data.com
| > >>> ==============================================
| > >>>
| > >>>
| > >>> | > >>> > Hallo
| > >>> >
| > >>> > I hope some one can help me i have a webpage that post details enter on the
| > >>> > page into a Database. Which works fine but what i want is before it submits
| > >>> > the info to the database i want to verify if the User-ID enter in the form is
| > >>> > in my user database if yes then submit else say that the User-ID is wrong.
| > >>> >
| > >>> > Is this possible if yes how.
| > >>> >
| > >>> > Regards
| > >>> > Markus
| > >>>
| > >>>
| > >>>
| > >
| > >
| >
| >
| >

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