ON to remember last location?



Here is what the problem is:

1. My notebook is on a flash drive (I dont know if the problem has soemthing
to do with this)

2. Suppose I have 4 folders, sections and pages in them.
And suppose I write something on a page which is in folder 1.
Then I colse ON, i.e. it minimizes to taskbar.
Then I click on the ON icon to call it back.
When ON is open, it starts from a page other than the one I have last
However, I would like ON to 'remember' where I was everytime I open it.

This is the problem


Ok guys.

I think I solved the problem.
In the "open and save" tab in options,
I have indicated the my notebook path correctly.
(before I was ordering ON to open the file from a path)

Now ON remembers where I have left it.

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