ON2003 SP1: Confusion/Problems with embedding files in Shared Sessions



*Current Config:*
- Outlook 2003 SP3
- OneNote 2003 SP1
- Windows XP SP2

Whomever is the Shared Session initiator, when they drag-n-drop a file
to the shared Section, and if that Section is on a shared folder...The
file will be properly copied over and a hyperlink is created on the
Section page.

The problems are:
- On the initiator's PC, the link points to the shared folder and file
as expected. BUT on any of the members that joined, the link is to their
own 'My Notebook' location.
- If the member tries to drag-n-drop a file to the Shared Section, the
file is NOT copied to the shared folder and instead is copied to the
location of their 'My Notebook' and the corresponding hyperlink uses
that same pathname.

The only workaround is to have everyone copy files to the shared folder
first, then drag-n-drop into the Shared Section...Then a proper link is
embedded to the Shared Folder and File.

Apologies if this has been covered, I did try searching first.

- Lincoln

Rainald Taesler

David said:
Out of interest, you could download a trial copy of OneNote 2007,
install it on two machines and attempt this usage pattern to see if
it works.

I am a late but enthusiastic consumer of OneNote and have no
expertise in ON2003.

Bear in mind that OneNote 2010 is coming!

We will still have to wait for Office14 for quite a while.
So in the meantime upgrading to ON2007 would be worth the money.
To quite myself: "He who still works with ON2003 punishes himself by the
day and by the hour" <bg>


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