ON2007 and Windows Desktop Search



Once ON2007 was loaded, I got a message indicating that I should also
download and install WDS which I had already done some weeks ago. I followed
the onscreen directions to download and install again, anyway. Install never
completes; it ends with an "Access Denied" error message. Worse yet my
previous installation of WDS is gone (and I really like it).

Any ideas how to get myself out of this pickle?

Gwyn Cole

I'm having the same problem and my father has also got the same issue on a
home machine.


Here's a solution:

Go into regedit, and modify the permissions of these keys...

You will need to give your account, or the group your account is a
of, Full Control permissions on the following registry keys:





I installed wds update without any problem. It also searched and indexed
like normal. But . the hits don't get sorted anymore, meaning that
everything is put in the "everything"_section. E-mail, word documents,
pictures is put there, and nothing in the other search-sections. I also see
that outlook icons an gone, but other office-icons are like normal.

Is it a sollution or do I have to remove it all again...



Hey Daniel,

I've been working at this for a while and not getting anywhere. I did get
logging set for verbose but I think that I am not understanding what a
registry subkey is.

Here is the last few entries from the Updspapi.log file:
#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.
#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg] in
"c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error 5:
Access is denied.
#E064 Parsing install section [ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install]
in "c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error
5: Access is denied.
#E008 Setting registry value HKCR\.tif\PersistentHandler
#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.
#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg] in
"c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error 5:
Access is denied.
#E064 Parsing install section [ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install]
in "c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error
5: Access is denied.

Which is the "registry subkey"?

I feel like I've tried to find every combination in there but NONE of it
ever shows up when I search the registry. I noticed that when I get the error
message, the installer resets everything. So, I even tried doing the registry
search prior to clicking OK on the error message and still could not find


Refer to my reply under the subject "Desktop Search V3 Install Failure" (it
was a better title to post under).


LuthersMill said:
Hey Daniel,

I've been working at this for a while and not getting anywhere. I did get
logging set for verbose but I think that I am not understanding what a
registry subkey is.

Here is the last few entries from the Updspapi.log file:
#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.
#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg] in
"c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error 5:
Access is denied.
#E064 Parsing install section [ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install]
in "c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error
5: Access is denied.
#E008 Setting registry value HKCR\.tif\PersistentHandler
#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.
#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg] in
"c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error 5:
Access is denied.
#E064 Parsing install section [ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install]
in "c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error
5: Access is denied.

Which is the "registry subkey"?

I feel like I've tried to find every combination in there but NONE of it
ever shows up when I search the registry. I noticed that when I get the error
message, the installer resets everything. So, I even tried doing the registry
search prior to clicking OK on the error message and still could not find

Daniel Escapa said:
For this error please go here:

Thank you!


Sadly, this is over my head. Any chance somebody could provide instructions
on how to do this? Thanks...


Nathan, Thank you. Between the info from you and Daniel I was able to get the
registry right. Everything is working fine now. OneNote is amazing and the
search is so fast. I am very impressed.

Nathan said:
Refer to my reply under the subject "Desktop Search V3 Install Failure" (it
was a better title to post under).


LuthersMill said:
Hey Daniel,

I've been working at this for a while and not getting anywhere. I did get
logging set for verbose but I think that I am not understanding what a
registry subkey is.

Here is the last few entries from the Updspapi.log file:
#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.
#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg] in
"c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error 5:
Access is denied.
#E064 Parsing install section [ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install]
in "c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error
5: Access is denied.
#E008 Setting registry value HKCR\.tif\PersistentHandler
#E033 Error 5: Access is denied.
#E065 Parsing AddReg section [Product.Add.Reg] in
"c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error 5:
Access is denied.
#E064 Parsing install section [ProductInstall.GlobalRegistryChanges.Install]
in "c:\6e163d1c3eeaa8e8e1f0c9214b82b0\update\update_WinXP.inf" failed. Error
5: Access is denied.

Which is the "registry subkey"?

I feel like I've tried to find every combination in there but NONE of it
ever shows up when I search the registry. I noticed that when I get the error
message, the installer resets everything. So, I even tried doing the registry
search prior to clicking OK on the error message and still could not find

Daniel Escapa said:
For this error please go here:

Thank you!

Once ON2007 was loaded, I got a message indicating that I should also
download and install WDS which I had already done some weeks ago. I
the onscreen directions to download and install again, anyway. Install
completes; it ends with an "Access Denied" error message. Worse yet my
previous installation of WDS is gone (and I really like it).

Any ideas how to get myself out of this pickle?

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