ON2007 Beta Print to OneNote



First, I have Office System Information Worker Feedback Program installed.
Is this a better forum for feedback or should I use the program?

Regarding Printing in OneNote:
1) I should be able to print pages to separate pages in OneNote.
2) I should be able to specify the name for the pages I print to OneNote
(one name per print job that automatically names all of the pages).
3) I should be able to specify the section to which I would like to print
(and it should default to the last section to which I printed).
4) I should be able to select an option to automatically enable OCR for all
pages I print to OneNote.

Why? I am a medical student. My school (the University of California, San
Francisco) releases faculty written eBooks (basically the required reading
for our curriculum) in PDF format. These are 400-1000+ pages long, and are
typically released every 2-4 months. I need the ability to print these
massive files to OneNote so that I can take notes. I don't want to have all
of the pages printed say "untitled." I want something like "cardiology"
instead. Renaming 1000+ pages by hand would be a drag. I don't want to have
to cut and paste pages from one section to another. I should be able to pick
a print location. Finally, I want to search the text, so I need the OCR
enabled. I can't do this for 1000s of printed images.

More frequently, I print 20-40 page PDF journal articles to OneNote to
annotate. These are also more easily read when printed on separate pages
than to have 40 images on one page - easy jumping from one page to another,

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


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