ON2007 Crashing. Help!



I searched the forum but saw nothing like my problem. The other day my ON2007
started crashing about as soon as it booted. When restarted it would do the
same. If I restarted the computer it would do the same. So I did a "repair"
with the ON2007 disc, and at the end of the repair (which was labeled
"Successful") a message asked me to download and install Office Service Pack
1, which I did. The message told me that Office SP1 included fixes for my

OK, but I am still having the same symptoms after a day. I believe that I
*did* boot OneNote for a while with no problem for a few hours, but I am
actually not sure of that, because I don't know if I had any reason to use
ON. Anyway, again it crashes as soon as it comes up.

There *may* have been one page that caused this. I remember inking a title
into the oval at the top of one page and noticing that the descender of the
letter "g" -- which stuck down into the page was -- dark as expected but that
the top of the "g" was grey and translucent. It looked different than any
other ON inking. Right then -- within minutes -- was when I had problems.
This may be coincidence, I know. I was able to delete the page in the seconds
before one of the crashes, and the program seemed a bit more stable for a a
minute after that. But I can't keep it running now.

I run a classroom on ON2007. Anyone have a suggestion of a fix?


Ilya Koulchin

When OneNote crashes, please make sure to send an error report. Once you
do, post the bucket number to assist in diagnosis. You can find the
bucket number as follows:
Click Start, open up the control panel, open administrative tools, and
open the event viewer.
Under "Windows Logs", select Application
Look for entries from the Windows Error Reporting Service, dated from
around the time you sent in the error report. Find the event that
references onenote.exe and it will have the bucket number in the details.



Ilya Koulchin said:
When OneNote crashes, please make sure to send an error report. Once you
do, post the bucket number to assist in diagnosis.

Thank you, Ilya. Yes, I sent in lots of error reports as the software kept
cycling in and out of its crash state because I selfishly wanted my error to
get lots of attention <grin>. I had looked at the details of the errors at
the time of the crashes to see if I could tell what to do and because they
told me nothing I am very glad to have help interpreting them.

So, now I have read all the error and warning reports in the Applications
log. Very interesting. The full text of several is below. My summary--
the event code for all the ON crashes seems to be "clr20r3" and the event
descriptions include the string "system.security.security" In the log these
all show as a Office 12 error.
There are, also, errors for a failed Microsoft NET Framework 2.0 update. In
addition, there are several reports of registry saving issues caused
by(?)/during the rapid restarts of the system I have tried.

Here is the full text of the errors from the log:

EventType clr20r3, P1 onenote.exe, P2 12.0.6211.1000, P3 46d4b147, P4 iacom,
P5, P6 44e0e32d, P7 1f6, P8 25, P9 system.security.security, P10 NIL.
(repeated many times...)

Product: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 - Update '.NET
Framework 2' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional information
is available in the log file

....and right after the "successful Office Update:
Windows saved user TABLET\Mr. Rawle registry while an application or service
was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's
registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no
longer in use. This is often caused by services running as a user account,
try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or
NetworkService account. Event ID: 1517

Thanks, again, for the opinions of anyone about the source of the ON2007
software glitch. I really need to get ON up and running again!


Gary Mount

To test if it could be a faulty page, I would suggest you create a temporary
user account and log into it, then run OneNote and see if it still crashes.
The new temporary user will get a fresh OneNote book so it won't have any
faulty pages.

Ilya Koulchin

Have you been able to locate an "information" event for onenote.exe with
a bucket number in it?


If those are not "bucket numbers.. what am I looking for? I could not find
the word OneNote in the files as a "Source" column.

On Saturday I spent over two hours uninstalling and re-installing all the
..NET Framework pieces over again, as Turbo Tax would not run without fixes.
Could that have influenced the OneNote context?

I have finally tried OneNote again and it seemed to boot OK -- but there is
one notebook that is "disconnected" and I can't get it to sync. This is my
main notebook, and the date of last connection is 4/20, on a day I did not
boot OneNote at all. I'll start a new thread on this...

Again, thanks everyone.


good idea. Luckily it is now staying "up" but I haven't stressed it yet. Just
tried it for the first time in days. See above about my re-install of .NET
modules up through 3.5

Ilya Koulchin

Jonathan said:
If those are not "bucket numbers.. what am I looking for? I could not find
the word OneNote in the files as a "Source" column.

The source will be listed as "Windows Error Reporting Service" (or
something similar). It will be an information event. The text will be
similar to the following:

Fault bucket XXX, type X
Event Name: AppCrash
Response: XXX
Cab Id: XXX

And so on.
On Saturday I spent over two hours uninstalling and re-installing all the
.NET Framework pieces over again, as Turbo Tax would not run without fixes.
Could that have influenced the OneNote context?

It shouldn't, but if you suspect your system is in a weird state you can
always try repairing the OneNote installation from Add/Remove programs.



It shouldn't, but if you suspect your system is in a weird state you can
always try repairing the OneNote installation from Add/Remove programs.

Ilya, Thank you... I did the repair early in this process, and the repair
was marked "Successful". The message after the repair included the request
that I download and run the Office Service Pack, which I did, too. I have not
stressed the OneNote on the laptop too much, but it is running now.

Boy, it has to -- as I have committed my classroom management to OneNote.
When there's time I will do more hunting in the error reports, but in the
real world there is precious little time to dig around in the "internals".


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