ON2007 live sharing - is it robust?




we use live sharing regularly for online brainstorms in which we invite many
people from different sites across the world to submit their ideas /
suggestions for a period of time, usually 1 week.

it generally works very well, however recently some information submitted by
two different people simply disappeared overnight ??

is live sharing robust enough to ensure that all submissions are saved?


Erik Sojka

I think the underlying technology is robust, although deprecated in favor
of Shared Notebooks. The issue with using the feature as you describe is
that there are no permissions applied to the participants in a LS session.
All are equal, and have equal permissions to modify/delete content placed
by others. Everything is indeed saved as long as nothing is deleted. I
also don't know if it has been tested/is supported to keep a LS session
open for days at a time.

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