ON2007 Search problem


Enrico Migone

there is any solution to search limit in ON2007? If I try to search
anything i got result only for the currently open note page. I install
WDS 3 beta 2, reboted countless time, repaired ON2007 installation but
i could not solve this problem. Anyone could help me, before i revert
to ON2003?


I have experienced the exact same thing.

Running ON2007 Beta 2. I installed WDS3 Beta 2.

The 'search' feature in ON2007 will ONLY search the currently open page. It
will NOT search any other pages in the notebook, or any other notebooks.

Yes, the current search setting is 'Search All Notebooks'.

Any advice?? I have also tried the latest WDS3 beta, with the exact same


Patrick Schmid

WDS3 Beta 2 (the latest WDS3 beta) doesn't work with ON 2007 Beta 2. You
need to wait for ON 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh which is due soon (no
known ETA though).
Reverting back to 2003 isn't easy, as the notes upgraded and created in
2007 can't be opened in 2003.

You could just hang in there or remove WDS3 B2 and use the 2003-like
slow search.

Patrick Schmid

Enrico Migone

I have search limited even before install WDS3 beta 2.
I try the update (after WDS3 pre beta) hoping to solve this issue.
At this time i could not see any other solution that revert to ON2003:
without serach function ON is useless to me. I know there is no way to
revert notebook to previous format: a long work of cut&paste is

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