Onboard Excel help...teach a man to fish...



Question for Excel 2000 9.0.8950 SP-3

I'd like to use the onboard VB help within Excel, but I get the horizontal,
two-headed arrow when trying to use the Index search. Answer Wizard doesn't
work either, 'Contents' does work, but that is needle in a haystack type
searching. Native Excel help seems to work find, just not the VB component.

1) Any way to get the Index search to work?
2) Is there a searchable 'Index' on this site other than the discussion

Thanks for your help.

Dave O

When I press F1 from within the Excel VBA compiler the Help window
comes up showing the reserved word I had highlighted or a prompt to
enter a topic. Is that what you see?

We all know Help can be as frustrating as it is informative... as for
searching the net, how do you access this newsgroup? When I go here
....searching is pretty straightforward.

What are you searching for?


When I'm in a code window within the VBA editor and hit F1, I get the
standard dialog with 3 tabs, Contents, Answer Wizard, and Index. The Answer
Wizard and Index won't allow anything to be keyed (doubled headed arrow). No
problem on the Answer Wizard, it's useless anyway, but a big problem not
being able to use the Index.

At the moment I'm trying to write some code to read a text file, parse the
text, append it to an existing series of cells, then update some ranges in an
associated chart.

As a specific example, there is a Property or Function named CELLS(... that
I cannot find help for at all. Can find it for CELL(..., but not CELLS(...

I need to find the last populated row, so I can add the data from that point

Not looking for the answer (only feeding me a fish), need to figure out how
to make MS 'HELP' work (teach a man to fish). Have the same problem with
Access, didn't have it with Access 97, which actually worked.


Dave O

I'm with you, and I agree. And in the interest of productivity, here
are some reserved words you might use:
OPEN "path filename" FOR OUTPUT AS #[integer]
LINE INPUT #[integer], [variable]

Parse [variable] using MID, LEFT, RIGHT, TRIM etc functions.

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