Jens-Peter Brand via OfficeKB.com
I created a NORMAL.DOT that makes changes to the menues depending on the
useres rights. I get those rights from existing directories. That means
when a certain directory exists the user has certain rights.
This NORMAL.DOT is on a network drive with a read only flag.
So when the user quits word he gat that dammed (excuse me) question! Is
there any way to get rid of that question "Changes have been made that
affect the global template, Normal.dot. Do you want to save those changes?"?
I already tried the GlobalDotPrompt property - it does not help. Also the
SaveNormalPrompt property did not work. I simply do not want to get any
questions concerning changes in NORMAL.DOT. It is read only. So there is
not chance to write any changes.
Thanks for your help ;-)
useres rights. I get those rights from existing directories. That means
when a certain directory exists the user has certain rights.
This NORMAL.DOT is on a network drive with a read only flag.
So when the user quits word he gat that dammed (excuse me) question! Is
there any way to get rid of that question "Changes have been made that
affect the global template, Normal.dot. Do you want to save those changes?"?
I already tried the GlobalDotPrompt property - it does not help. Also the
SaveNormalPrompt property did not work. I simply do not want to get any
questions concerning changes in NORMAL.DOT. It is read only. So there is
not chance to write any changes.
Thanks for your help ;-)