onclick events



Can someone point me in the right direction, please? Is it
possible to add events to the objects placed in a word
document? This is the behavior I want in the document. I
want to click on an icon and display a picture, I'm
thinking that terminology is collapse maybe? Then I want
to click on the picture and have it not display. I haven't
the foggiest idea where to start with this...


Klaus Linke

Hi Vera,

I'm not too sure what you're exactly trying to do. It sounds like a simple

You could insert some simple icon (or WordArt...), right-click, and make it
a "Hyperlink..." to some graphics file.
If you follow the hyperlink (Ctrl+click in Word2002/2003), the graphics file

Or you might check out macrobutton fields:
{ MACROBUTTON <insert_your_icon_here> Show_Pic }

Double-clicking the icon would start the macro "Sub Show_Pic()", which in
turn could start a graphics program like "MSPaint" with the picture you
Look at the Shell command for how to do this; something like

Sub Show_Pic()
Dim strPicturePath As String
strPicturePath = """C:\myPicture.JPG"""
Shell PathName:="MSPaint.exe " _
& strPicturePath, WindowStyle:=vbMaximizedFocus
End Sub
Then I want to click on the picture and have it not display.

In both the methods above, you'd have to close the graphics program to
continue working in Word.




After a little looking around this afternoon, I think I
can do what I want by adding an onclick event to an
activex image object. Not sure yet, have to prototype.

The next question I have, and I'm going to post this as a
new thread is:

I'm creating a Word document in VB6. I'm pretty sure that
I can add the forms ActiveX components to the Word
document. Is there any way to add a code module or the
event code for these components to the Word document from
VB6? I can't seem to find a module object and I'm thinking
maybe the modules aren't really associated with the
document, but with the document's project? Am I correct?
Am I confused? Please help, I'm just really new at this
Word VBA thing.

-----Original Message-----
Hi Vera,

I'm not too sure what you're exactly trying to do. It sounds like a simple

You could insert some simple icon (or WordArt...), right- click, and make it
a "Hyperlink..." to some graphics file.
If you follow the hyperlink (Ctrl+click in
Word2002/2003), the graphics file

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