One annoying differences with PPT 2003



Hello Mr Microsoft.

A keyboark shortcut I use a lot in Word, Outlook and PPT is Ctrl+Backspace
to erase the word I am currently writing.

Every applications I know where Ctrl+Backspace can be used will erase the
word beind typed but not the space in front of it. In PPT 2003 it worked very
well. Actually as a trainer this keyboard was one I relied on to show my
students how keyboard shortcuts are important.

In PPT 2007 when I hit Ctrl+Backspace the word I am writing is deleted
(that's ok) but the space in front of the word as well (which is not ok). In
Word is does not do that, in Outlook it does not do that. In Visio it does
not do that. Only in PowerPoint 2007 it does that.

Would you be kind enough please Mr. Microsoft.PowerPoint to restore the way
Ctrl+Backspace worked in all prior versions of PPT and other applications. I
would be very appreciative.

Thank you in advance.


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