How about an alternative?
Select your range
then turn on the number lock.
You'll be able to hit the digit you want and the large enter key on the number
keypad and loop through the selected cells.
If that doesn't work for you, you could design a tiny userform with a single
textbox on it.
You'd type into that textbox and it would put the value into the activecell and
then go to the next cell (whatever that means!).
I saved this from a previous post:
What's does the next cell mean?
To the right until you get to a certain column, then back to column A?
Or down a column?
One way is to build a tiny userform with just a textbox on it.
Add this code to the userform module:
Option Explicit
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 48 To 57 'Numbers 0-9
With ActiveCell
.Value = Chr(KeyAscii)
If .Column = 3 Then
.Offset(1, -2).Activate
.Offset(0, 1).Activate
End If
End With
End Select
KeyAscii = 0
TextBox1.Value = ""
End Sub
Then add this to a general module to show the form:
Option Explicit
Sub testme01()
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Activate
End Sub
I always start in column A and use A:C.
If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:
Debra Dalgleish has some getstarted instructions for userforms at: