one column and 2 columns on same page with list


A. Orr

How do I Format this in Word 2003?
Mixing 1 column and 2 columns with list on the same page.
Precisely where do I put the section breaks?

This is a heading with a following two column list:
1. Item 1 4. List item 4
2. I 2 5. i5
3. I 3 6. i6

The list may be numbered or bulleted:
. item 1 may be . xxx
A long one . yyy
. column should be . zzz

I need to add, change or delete items easily:
1. I don’t want 6. no
2. to see 7. no no no
3. unbalanced
4. columns
5. like this

I would like
1. x

To have a template
1. x

That looks like this
1. x

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Word should balance columns if you end the multi-column section with a
Continuous break, but sometimes they are not balanced if (a) some paragraphs
are formatted as "Keep with next," (b) there is a manual column break, (c)
there is an extra empty paragraph at the end of the second column, (d) you
have the Compatibility Option "Don't balance columns for Continuous section
starts" enabled, or (e) Word is feeling bloody-minded.

Actually, in the case of (e), it's more often that Word insists on balancing
columns on a page that contains one paragraph, formatted as "Keep lines
together." In such cases the only fix is to insert an empty paragraph (and
often a column break as well.

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