one email acct out of 5 fails to download



I have several email accounts using pop3 incoming server. i use Outlook 2003.
all accounts use the same connection settings and all download fine.

late yesterday afternoon one account failed to download any messages.
checks with the server show no problems from that end (can still access
emails through webmail). using the Test Account Settings show that it is
connecting to incoming server, but the progress for this particular account
stays at "processing" and will not download messages. I would have expected
a time out error, but even though the "processing" stage has waited over 10
mins - i get no error message, nor emails!

final resort - deleted the account and recreated it. problem still exists?

anyone any ideas?
many thanks


late yesterday afternoon one account failed to download any messages.
checks with the server show no problems from that end (can still access
emails through webmail).

This usually indicates a corrupt message that OL is having trouble
final resort - deleted the account and recreated it. problem still

How did you "delete the account"? The actual POP mail account, or the
Outlook configured "account"? If only the Outlook configured account, that
doesn't really do anything.

Can you make safe copies of the emails, then, using webmail, delete all the
email (because you don't know the offending email), then test again?



Thanks for the reply. I did check on webmail to see if there was an email
stuck, as i do get this sometimes with spam messages. but there was nothing
in the inbox at all at that time. however, having jsut checked again there
are now several emails one of which is very large, so have deleted that, and
hey presto i am back in operation again! many thanks

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