Just getting started with Access. Have the basic fields set up for an
employee database, but I find I am entering some data several times:
There is one form field named "Paygrade" and then two others named
"Hourly Rate" and "Overtime Rate".
What I would like to do is restrict "Paygrade" to certain values (GS-1
Step 1, GS-1 Step 2, etc.). When those values are selected (by a
dropdown...?), the hourly rate and overtime rates automatically fill -
Right now, I type in the paygrade for one employee and I am typing in
the hourly/OT rates which are the same numbers for many people.
(This is probably alot of words for something easy, but I can't find a
tutorial which walks you through this Barney-style.)
Appreciate any guidance!
Just getting started with Access. Have the basic fields set up for an
employee database, but I find I am entering some data several times:
There is one form field named "Paygrade" and then two others named
"Hourly Rate" and "Overtime Rate".
What I would like to do is restrict "Paygrade" to certain values (GS-1
Step 1, GS-1 Step 2, etc.). When those values are selected (by a
dropdown...?), the hourly rate and overtime rates automatically fill -
Right now, I type in the paygrade for one employee and I am typing in
the hourly/OT rates which are the same numbers for many people.
(This is probably alot of words for something easy, but I can't find a
tutorial which walks you through this Barney-style.)
Appreciate any guidance!