The issue: When I append a new record based on values obtained from a form's
text box and combo box values into an external db table, one field ("Role")
in an existing record in the table is blanked out. Can someone please share
why this might be happening?
The code:
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO EmplInfo ( EmployeeName, Unit, Division, SSN, Role,
emailaddress ) IN '" & Me!TextPath & "'" & _
" SELECT '" & Me!TextName & "' AS EMPLName, '" & Me!TextUnit
& "' AS EMPLUnit, '" & Me!ComboDivision & "' as EMPLDiv, '" & Me!TextSSN & "'
as EMPLID,'" & Me!ComboRole.Value & "' as EMPLRole,'" & Me!TextEmail &
Me!Combo17 & "' AS Address;")
Set db = Nothing
text box and combo box values into an external db table, one field ("Role")
in an existing record in the table is blanked out. Can someone please share
why this might be happening?
The code:
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO EmplInfo ( EmployeeName, Unit, Division, SSN, Role,
emailaddress ) IN '" & Me!TextPath & "'" & _
" SELECT '" & Me!TextName & "' AS EMPLName, '" & Me!TextUnit
& "' AS EMPLUnit, '" & Me!ComboDivision & "' as EMPLDiv, '" & Me!TextSSN & "'
as EMPLID,'" & Me!ComboRole.Value & "' as EMPLRole,'" & Me!TextEmail &
Me!Combo17 & "' AS Address;")
Set db = Nothing