one master table at home and another similar table at work


L. T. Portella

I have a table TbleMaster at home with name address etc etc. I also have a
similar table at work Tbletemporary that I fill out at work. when I get home
I want to append Tbletemporary to TbleMaster. What is the easiest way to do
it? thanks

Naresh Nichani MVP


Click Right mouse on Table and click "Export..." and export to "Text Files"
option (follow default settings to export). Take the exported file to your
main machine. There in Tables tab Right click on a blank area and select
"Import..." and select "Text Files" and select the "Txt" file.


Naresh Nichani
Microsoft Access MVP

Simple way is to export the table to a CSV File and them

Lisa Reber

Hi - found this interesting - but why wouldn't you just
append the records from temp to master? Thanks - learn
stuff here all the time!

John Vinson

Hi - found this interesting - but why wouldn't you just
append the records from temp to master? Thanks - learn
stuff here all the time!

You could... if the two databases were on the same computer or the
same LAN. It sounds like they're not. Linking Access databases over
the internet is NOT recommended (except if you've used Replication and
you're using internet synchronization, not a task for the faint of

L. T. Portella

Now that you mention the "append" option, back in the old days of Dbase all
you had to do was precisely that: open a table (called database in those
days) and issue a simple command: "append from ???" and voila.
Unfortunately, nowadays things got a bit more complicated. As far as I can
see (please remember I am a newbie) there is no such simple command or menu
option in Access 2000, is it? If there is one please let me know where to
find it. Thanks

John Vinson

Now that you mention the "append" option, back in the old days of Dbase all
you had to do was precisely that: open a table (called database in those
days) and issue a simple command: "append from ???" and voila.
Unfortunately, nowadays things got a bit more complicated. As far as I can
see (please remember I am a newbie) there is no such simple command or menu
option in Access 2000, is it? If there is one please let me know where to
find it. Thanks

There is. It's an Append Query. The two tables need to either be in
the same database (.mdb file, container, not to be confused with a
dBase database), or one must be linked.

A simple append query appending all fields, all records of
identically-structured tables is just about as easy as the dBase

INSERT INTO thistable
SELECT * FROM thattable;

and it can be constructed readily in the query design grid - just
select the table you're copying from, select all the fields, and
change it to an Append query with the Query menu option or the
query-type tool on the toolbar. Access will ask what table you want to
append from; name it and run the query.

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