One message to many user



I am new user for Outlook 2003. I have one question that how can i send one
email message to many user but every user recieve message personally and do
know others recieve or not.
For example: I have 50 email address in on Group of my Adress book and i
want to send one message to all if i add that group in TO field then every
perosn can see all email address and message will not be personally he or she
think it is for all not only for me. If i add group into BCC then when he
will recieve then knows that his or her name in BCC and it is not only for
him. I want to send one message to all but personally.
If i send message to Henrik, Ovae, Hilde and Martin when the recieve this
messae then i want to show each reciever

From: (e-mail address removed)
To: (e-mail address removed)
Subject: Welcome on my Birthday

Not like this

From: (e-mail address removed)
To: (e-mail address removed);[email protected]; (e-mail address removed);[email protected]
Subject: Welcome on my Birthday

I am waiting your reply.

Best Regards,



I am new user for Outlook 2003. I have one question that how can i send one
email message to many user but every user recieve message personally and do
know others recieve or not.
For example: I have 50 email address in on Group of my Adress book and i
want to send one message to all if i add that group in TO field then every
perosn can see all email address and message will not be personally he or she
think it is for all not only for me. If i add group into BCC then when he
will recieve then knows that his or her name in BCC and it is not only for
him. I want to send one message to all but personally.
If i send message to Henrik, Ovae, Hilde and Martin when the recieve this
messae then i want to show each reciever

From: (e-mail address removed)
To: (e-mail address removed)
Subject: Welcome on my Birthday

Not like this

From: (e-mail address removed)
To: (e-mail address removed);[email protected]; (e-mail address removed);[email protected]
Subject: Welcome on my Birthday
The only way to accomplish what you want to do is to do a mail merge with

Email Client: Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
News Client (Text): Forté Agent 2.0
News Client (Binaries): News Rover 10.1

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