One more question about popup calendars


Iowa Joe

Hey again, I thought I had all the answers I needed regarding validation
rules for popup calendars... that is, until I tried to use the same calendar
for two forms. For some reason I am unable to use VB code to make sure that
the date selected from the popup calendar is not past today's date. It works
for one form, but not any others. I am very frustrated. Any help would be
awesome. Again, I am using Allen Browne's popup calendar (which has been
wonderful otherwise)


Iowa Joe

Nevermind, I figured it out.

Anyone know how to just undo the changes of one text box in a form if it
doesn't conform to a validation rule? I am using Me.Undo (which deletes all
text box values in a form), but would like to only undo the one that is not
correct. Thank you

ruralguy via


Iowa said:
Nevermind, I figured it out.

Anyone know how to just undo the changes of one text box in a form if it
doesn't conform to a validation rule? I am using Me.Undo (which deletes all
text box values in a form), but would like to only undo the one that is not
correct. Thank you
Hey again, I thought I had all the answers I needed regarding validation
rules for popup calendars... that is, until I tried to use the same calendar
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]

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