One Note 2005


Paul C

Does anyone have the release date for the new version of OneNote? And will it
have text recognition of handwriting other than Tablet PC? ex,, Wacom tablet?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Does anyone have the release date for the new version of OneNote? And will it
have text recognition of handwriting other than Tablet PC? ex,, Wacom tablet?


No release date has been announced yet, as far as I am aware, for any
future version of OneNote.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Dan Irwin


Sometimes when I am inking in one note after I write something down
other text is moved down. Why does this happen and how can I change it?

Thanks for the help,



Still no news on the release date for OneNote 2005 (or even 2006 or
SP2) ?

OneNote 2003 "feels" old now, surely some sort of refresh is on the
cards. (I'm a sucker of new versions!).

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Old! We just released feature packed Sp1 in August 2004!

Chris Pratley (MS)


When I say "feels" old, I am referring to the fact that it has the 2003
title. We often see MS release software in 2 year increments which
leads me to believe 2005 may be on the cards soon.

SP1 was very welcome. When you use a piece of software everyday, one is
always looking forward to any new release which may contain some new
"whizzbang" features. Any news on when SP2 or 2005/2006 is slated for
release would wet my appetite !

Keep up the good work.

John Waller

Old! We just released feature packed Sp1 in August 2004!

Ancient history, Chris :) We're all accustomed to SP1 now and we love it
despite some obvious shortcomings.

We're hanging out for the next update.


Chris H.

Keep in mind that OneNote "broke tradition" with the Service Pack 1.
Usually, a service pack only "fixes" things, and doesn't add new features as
SP1 did.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
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