One Note backup



What are the letters behind a one note file. (Example Word is .doc and
Outlook files are .pst) I need to save to the server b/c my laptop is going
in for a HW fix.

I want to *._ _ _ to find everything like I do my outlook and C drive

Kathy J

Your section files all have the extension of .one. Most of these files are
going to be in your "My Notebook" folder under "My Documents". Backing those
up will save your notes. If you have made customizations, you may need to
save off other files as well.

Having said that, I recommend you look at the built in backup feature of
OneNote. Go to Tools--> Options, Backup section. There is a backup now
button. Before you click it, read the note under the button about changing
the location of your backup files. Follow those directions and change your
backup to the server. Clicking the backup button after changing the location
will do a one step backup of all your notes.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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