One Note for a College Student



My son will be starting college next month. Is OneNote a
sensible product for a college student with a lap top?


If your son is an engineer or science major, a Tablet PC would do much to
extend OneNote's usefulness for him.

MIT '05

Tony Ko

My cousin goes to SUNY Stony Brook...they get a free copy of OneNote as part
of their dorm check-in package :) So yeah, I guess you can say OneNote is
a sensible product for college students

Chris H.

Depends on the college your Son is attending, Ted. If the school uses
Blackboard on campus, you might look into GoBinder from Agilix: GoBinder and Blackboard integrate through the
Agilix Mobilizer so the student/professor communications are in a single

If the school doesn't use that system, OneNote will still be awesome.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

My son will be starting college next month. Is OneNote a
sensible product for a college student with a lap top?


OneNote is a great organiser of notes from lectures and such. Your son
would do well to invest a little time in understanding the OneNote
metaphor of folders, sections, pages and sub-pages. That hierarchy
needs to be taken into account when planning how to store information.

As someone else said a Tablet PC would offer advantages compared to a
laptop but OneNote on a laptop (or desktop) is a very useful package
in my opinion.

As I understand it, many colleges in the US offer attractive prices
for OneNote, so it may be worth your son contacting the college to
find out if they have such an offer.

It's certainly a piece of software that I wouldn't be without now ...
although that doesn't stop me asking for various enhancements in
version 2 (whenever that may appear). :) Version 1 of OneNote is
already a very useful tool.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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