One note needs a real way to incorporate searchable charts.



Just a note, if the developers check this out. I'm in law school and use one
note for every aspect of my studying. Taking notes, preparing for finals,
running study groups, ect. The one down side to one note is its inability to
create real charts that are searchable such as in word.

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Just a note, if the developers check this out. I'm in law school and use one
note for every aspect of my studying. Taking notes, preparing for finals,
running study groups, ect. The one down side to one note is its inability to
create real charts that are searchable such as in word.


Would linking in OneNote to a Word document with searchable chart(s)
help your use case?

You can create a link in OneNote simply by dragging a Word document
from Windows Explorer to the relevant OneNote page and making a choice
from the Insert File Options window.

Probably not quite as convenient as the feature you are asking for but
it may help a little.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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