One NOte program needs optional skins: The default colors are too.



I recently purchased the One Note program. So far it's "JUST OK". One of the
bad sides of this program is the bad colors...c'mon! Pastel colors? What if
you're not an interior decorator? (no offense intended).
Second, One Note appearance (GUI) is typically MS "institutional". How about
developing a series of interesting and "people-relative" skins for the
Suggestions: textured papyrus, old fashioned teletype,
espionage-high tech PDA would be used in show "24". E-Z
Ringtone-MP3 import capability for alerts, etc.
configurable tabs, etc.
resizable GUI. Better, solid colors.
Email hotlist Tab- the top 10 email addys that a user uses, with easy access
to email.
I can design and submit some sample skins for you (.jpgs) if you're
In short, One Note is a turn off due to its institutional design. The
default GUI looks more like a Medical chart than a daily tool (no offense).

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I recently purchased the One Note program. So far it's "JUST OK". One of
bad sides of this program is the bad colors...c'mon! Pastel colors? What

If I recall correctly OneNote will respect your WinXP schemes. Change the
WinXP color schemes and you should get a OneNote that looks different.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Alerts? Top ten email addresses? Are you sure you're looking at the
correct program?

The OneNote metaphor is based on paper - the most common paper usage in
the business and academic world is standard boring loose leaf. I can't
imagine that a colorful "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" pad would have
much space for taking notes...

FYI - in addition to posting here, you can send product feedback and
suggestions to MS at this site:

Be sure to put "OneNote" in the subject.

Cliff B

I love the power of OneNote, but I agree with your 100% on the color scheme.
The pastels are, in my opinion, horrible. I'm more an earth tone kinda guy.
Maybe they could provide Us with alternative color schemes in the next
version, so those of us who are allergic to pastels can have something more
wholesome to chew on.Your idea of replicating quality papers is a good one,
but it's likely to lead to move pastels - textured pastels, but pastels none
the less.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Do you go into business meetings with a stack of construction paper and
some crayons?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

pastels are so that you can more easily see your writing on it.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Join OneNote Tips mailing list:

John Waller

pastels are so that you can more easily see your writing on it.

You obviously haven't tried fluorescent neon coloured notepaper, Diane! ;-)

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Have too :) We have a half a ream left from a flyer project and used it to
print some documents for review because we were out of white. By page 3 my
eyes hurt. I don't know what we'll use it for, but it won't be documents
with a lot of text that needs reviewed.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

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