One Note should allow me to save Number Formatting


Darren Kattan

I have a particular formatting that I like to use when writing notes. It is
an Outline format that goes

I., A., 1., i., a.

When I set this up in both Word and OneNote I have no way of saving it, and
the next time I try to take notes, I have to establish this formatting again.
There needs to be a way to permanantely save this formatting.

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In Word you can do this by creating and saving a 'Style' with those settings
to your Normal template. Styles are a big subject - best to experment with it
and learn - it's worth it as they are a huge time-saver when it comes to
automatically formatting documents!

There is no way (I can see) to save such settings in OneNote - and yes, it's
frustrating to me too - I have to set my bullet and spacing preferences every
time I create a new text block!

When working on my tablet, I don't care because I keep everything as ink.


Darren Kattan

Even when I go into Styles and I make my own Custom Outline style, when I go
in and set it up at each level, the tabs aren't how I want them to be. So I
go into format>Numbering and then I have to pick from a bunch of pictures
which outline I want, but because I've done this so many times, there are
only slight differences between the images, so lets say I pick the first one
next to None, and I change all the tabs to where I want them, and I hit ok,
then ok again, and then I close Word and open it back up, the tabs I changed
are not saved. So I have to do it all over. I wish OneNote had this styles
feature, it would be better than what it has.

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