One Note should have Auto Shape functionality



I use Microsoft OneNote for note taking in both school and meetings.
Occasionally I'd like to be able to draw a figure that was sketched on the
board, but using my mousepad as a pen is just not real professional looking.
Nor is it easy. I love the pen and use it for emphasizing things, but even
then, autoshapes might be better.


Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I use Microsoft OneNote for note taking in both school and meetings.
Occasionally I'd like to be able to draw a figure that was sketched on the
board, but using my mousepad as a pen is just not real professional looking.
Nor is it easy. I love the pen and use it for emphasizing things, but even
then, autoshapes might be better.



Yes that functionality is an often requested feature.

OneNote is only version 1.0 (currently at SP1) so I would guess that
additional features will be added in later versions.

Unfortunately that feature isn't there at present.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

John Waller

Yes that functionality is an often requested feature.

Is there an official channel through which feature requests should be made?

Ute Simon

John Waller said:
Is there an official channel through which feature requests should be made?

I totally agree with what you say about AutoShape functionality and
OneNote - but this is
the wrong place to complain. Most readers in this newsgroup are users like
you and me. Send your complaint to Microsoft directly. They DO read it.

This is, what John Langhans of Microsoft posted in the PowerPoint newsgroup,
it applies for OneNote as well:

If you (or anyone else reading this message) think that it's important that
PowerPoint make it easier to select hidden objects (without resorting to
VBA or add-ins), don't forget to send your feedback (in YOUR OWN WORDS,
please) to Microsoft by either:

A) If you are using Microsoft's web-based, online newsreader for Office
communities (,
click on the "New" drop-down menu and choose "Suggestion for Microsoft"
from directly within the newsreader web page.


B) If you are using another newsreader (such as Microsoft Outlook Express),
submit your suggestion using your web browser at the following address:

It's VERY important that, for EACH wish, you describe in detail, WHY it is
important TO YOU that your product suggestion be implemented. A good wish
submssion includes WHAT scenario, work-flow, or end-result is blocked by
not having a specific feature, HOW MUCH time and effort ($$$) is spent
working around a specific limitation of the current product, etc. Remember
that Microsoft receives THOUSANDS of product suggestions every day and we
read each one but, in any given product development cycle, there are ONLY
sufficient resources to address the ones that are MOST IMPORTANT to our
customers so take the extra time to state your case as CLEARLY and
COMPLETELY as possible so that we can FEEL YOUR PAIN.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be a single suggestion (not a list of

Chris H.

In the case of OneNote, Chris Pratley from the OneNote Team is very active
here and does hear the requests. Do a quick search on his name, and you'll
see how often he's around. Believe me, OneNote is one of the most
consumer-driven products at Microsoft.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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