One note should let you move a part of a page or section



I use One Note a lot, and one thing that always frusterates me is I can never
move a certain drawing or section around, it always treats everything like
text. If there was a lasso selection tool or something like that, I could
circle that section and drag it to another area.

Whenever I select it, it wants to treat everything like text and select the
line the whole way over, and it's not always the best at recognizing what
parts of a drawing should be grouped together.

Having a group/ungroup feature would be nice as well.

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But, you can

You can do exactly what you are asking for. Make sure you are not in the
handwriting mode only. The only catch I know is the selection is rectanguloar
not lasso.

I do this all the time by copying a drawing and pasting several times


Yeah, but it never selects things very well. I always get a confusing mess of
boxes since it seperates each part into another box and then highlights them
when you select them all. And then I end up getting all this text I don't

I think that I did all the notes in handwriting and drawing mode. If I do it
in drawing mode, will selection work better?

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