One Note syncs with Win Os but not with Palm, why?



You should also consider making it accessable to other Os systems. I found
only one palm program that had the capabilities of One Note but it did not
have a desktop program. this made it hard to save and edit information

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Erik Sojka (MVP)

The main reason is competition. It's a valid competitive strategy to
make two of your own products work together and not with a competitor's


Works fine on the Palm Treo 700w ;)

What I want to know is why doesn't i-Tunes work on my Windows Mobile device?

David Rasmussen [MS]

Actually the real reason is time and resources relative to size of customer
base. Windows Mobile devices passed Palm a long time ago, and developing for
Palm is quite costly for us (no existing expertise and it's very different,
at least Windows Mobile is somewhat similar to developing for Windows).

Note that our OneNote Mobile app only talks to OneNote through our publicly
documented API. Anyone with the expertise could write a Palm app to do the
same. But that's not expertise we have, nor a business priority for us.

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