One Note usability issues


Jack Levin

I really love One Note. Great job guys.

I would like to suggest some UI enhancements to make the product more usable
and consistent with other Microsoft Office applications.

Would it be possible to list the folder structure along the left hand side
just like it is done in Outlook? Having the folders across the top and then
the pages along the right is confusing and hard to navigate. In fact, I often
find it hard to navigate from one Note container to another.

Please feel free to contact me further about this.


Jack Levin

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Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Jack,

OneNote 2007 features a navigation pane on the left that does exactly that
-- gives you the folders (notebooks and sections) on the left side, with
the pages on the right. You do still get the section tabs across the top
but I almost never use them and in fact have grown to ignore that they're
there because I do everything in the navigation pane now.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Rainald Taesler

Ben M. Schorr - MVP shared these words of wisdom:
OneNote 2007 features a navigation pane on the left that does
exactly that -- gives you the folders (notebooks and sections)
on the left side, with the pages on the right. You do still get
the section tabs across the top but I almost never use them and
in fact have grown to ignore that they're there because I do
everything in the navigation pane now.

Good example for (a) the differencing in working behaviour and (b) the
versatility of ON.

Contrary to you I always use the section tabs on top and minimized the
left navigation pane so that only the notebook names are shown. Saves
quite some screen real estate ;-)

IMHO the design concept of ON 2007 for the usage a notebook
application is by far better than the threaded view the OP suggested.
Especially the possibilities of customizing (minimizing the left
navigation pane as well as well as the page tabs) are really good.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Rainald,

I tend to have a lot of sections (30-40+ in some cases) per notebook and
using the section tabs across the top would be inefficient for me because
it only displays a half dozen or so at a time. I also minimize the left
nav pane when I'm planning to stay in a certain section for an extended period
of time. :)

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

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