


I have developed a problem with One-Note. If I want to email a note, the
help file says that I can simply load up Microsoft Outlook and it should send
it. I load up Microsoft Outlook and nothing happens.

The second problem is that I cannot 'send to' my Word program. If I drop
the menu for 'send to' all there is is a small box with nothing in it.

I have used 'detect and repair' to no avail. What's up with this program
when the help files cannot be followed?

Kathy J

You need to have Office 2003 installed for those features to work. If you
have one of the older versions installed, it won't work.

(If you do have Office 2003 installed and you are still getting this error,
please tell us : ) )

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I have Office XP Standard 2002 for Students and Teachers installed. Can I
save it to a file and then pull it up in Word? If so, do I use the One-Note
file or a web file format? (the only two offered by the program)

I have Office XP PRO 2003 on my main machine. Can I upgrade the Student
Edition with it without buying it again?

I have One-note on my main machine also. Is the file small enough to be
carried on a 1.44 mb floppy and transferred?

I don't normally need these features but at times they come in handy when
I'm not home and I'm at the school.

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

I have Office XP Standard 2002 for Students and Teachers installed. Can I
save it to a file and then pull it up in Word? If so, do I use the One-Note
file or a web file format? (the only two offered by the program)
*.one files can be opened by OneNote only so you need to save to *.mht
format in order to open the file in Word. Positioning and some formatting
might be lost.
I have Office XP PRO 2003 on my main machine. Can I upgrade the Student
Edition with it without buying it again?
dunno, sorry
I have One-note on my main machine also. Is the file small enough to be
carried on a 1.44 mb floppy and transferred?
The file size depends on how much content you've put into it, naturally:)
OneNote sections are saved as separate files and (by default) you can find
them in My Documents\My Notebook folder. You can optimize the files if the
size is a problem (look under <Tools | Options | Open and Save>. If the file
is still too big consider saving the pages you need in a separate section
(select the pages, then <File | Publish Pages> - choose *.one format)

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