One Single Endnote at Different Places


Herbert Chan

Hello, All!

I want to use one single endnote at different places. How can I do that?



First bookmark the original endnote. Then go to the Fields dialog box
and choose links and references in the left pane, and noteref in the
right pane, and see the options you have. The one required option is to
include the bookmark in the field. Choose the "h" option allows you to
jump directly to the original endnote reference.

However, if you want the other endnotes to open the original endnote
itself and not just jump to the original endnote reference, then you
need to bookmark the endnote itself, not its reference number.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is a rather labor-intensive way of accomplishing the same thing you can
do using Insert | Cross-reference to Endnote.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


You're right, with the exception that using the field as I suggested
allows the user to open the endnote/footnote directly from the field
location. The cross-reference only jumps to the endnote reference
number. Also, the cross reference number is not superscripted.


Herbert Chan

Thanks very much for the replies. I will just follow Suzanne's advice as
it's simplest. I just want it to print out alright, and at the same time
just don't want to be so lame as to insert a superscripted mark for the

Thanks for advice from both of you. I'm writing a book proposal trying to
get something published. Hope I can indeed get it done.


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