
I have an alumni database and am trying to pull a report on grad year. I
created a report for the contacts listed by grad year. How do I tell the
report to just pull one specific grad year when I want that info? For
instance, right now the control source says graduating class year, so it
prints out ALL the contacts I have by grad year. Now I want to be able to
print a small report for one specific grad year (i.e. 1969). How do I do


Jerry Whittle

Assuming that all the data for grad year is in one table (as opposed to have
a table for each grad year - which would be very bad), you need to base the
report on a query. In the criteria for the grad year field, you would put the
year that you want.

Now that would be a real PITA to change the query each time that you want a
different year or create a query for each year. Therefore you want a
parameter in the query. Instead of putting 1969 in the criteria, you put:

[Enter the Grad Year]

Now when you run the report, it will ask you to enter the grad year.


Yes, I put all the info in one table.

Now, seeing that I'm basically dense, do I do anything in the REPORT/DESIGN
VIEW? And/or, do I do something with QUERIES under the OBJECTS...I really
don't know how to accomplish what you said...sorry!

Jerry Whittle said:
Assuming that all the data for grad year is in one table (as opposed to have
a table for each grad year - which would be very bad), you need to base the
report on a query. In the criteria for the grad year field, you would put the
year that you want.

Now that would be a real PITA to change the query each time that you want a
different year or create a query for each year. Therefore you want a
parameter in the query. Instead of putting 1969 in the criteria, you put:

[Enter the Grad Year]

Now when you run the report, it will ask you to enter the grad year.
Jerry Whittle
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

tjsmags said:
I have an alumni database and am trying to pull a report on grad year. I
created a report for the contacts listed by grad year. How do I tell the
report to just pull one specific grad year when I want that info? For
instance, right now the control source says graduating class year, so it
prints out ALL the contacts I have by grad year. Now I want to be able to
print a small report for one specific grad year (i.e. 1969). How do I do


jschweitzer via

What Jerry W. was having you do is:

Go to the Design View of your Query and as long as the "Year" is in a
separate field, enter the expression [Enter the Grad Year]. You must put the
brackets before and after. When you run your query you will be prompted to
Enter the Grad Year and only those records will be selected.

Jan S.
Yes, I put all the info in one table.

Now, seeing that I'm basically dense, do I do anything in the REPORT/DESIGN
VIEW? And/or, do I do something with QUERIES under the OBJECTS...I really
don't know how to accomplish what you said...sorry!
Assuming that all the data for grad year is in one table (as opposed to have
a table for each grad year - which would be very bad), you need to base the
[quoted text clipped - 18 lines]


What I am confused about is your use of the term QUERY. I am in
this where I change/add the expression (in DESIGN VIEW)?

jschweitzer via said:
What Jerry W. was having you do is:

Go to the Design View of your Query and as long as the "Year" is in a
separate field, enter the expression [Enter the Grad Year]. You must put the
brackets before and after. When you run your query you will be prompted to
Enter the Grad Year and only those records will be selected.

Jan S.
Yes, I put all the info in one table.

Now, seeing that I'm basically dense, do I do anything in the REPORT/DESIGN
VIEW? And/or, do I do something with QUERIES under the OBJECTS...I really
don't know how to accomplish what you said...sorry!
Assuming that all the data for grad year is in one table (as opposed to have
a table for each grad year - which would be very bad), you need to base the
[quoted text clipped - 18 lines]

jschweitzer via

Your report is either based from a table or a query? Go to your report in
"Design View" and right click on the very top left box (it will be a black
box inside a shaded gray box). Go to properties>Data tab and see where your
Data Source is coming from. If it is your table then you will want to create
a query with all of your table elements. It would be there that you would
enter the Criteria.

TIP: When naming you OBJECTS (TABLES, QUERIES, FORMS, REPORTS) following
this pattern: if a table name "tblTableName", if a Query name it
"qryQueryName"; Forms "frmFormName" and Reports "rptReportName". A previous
co-worker taught me this and it has helped me tremendously in organizing my
What I am confused about is your use of the term QUERY. I am in
this where I change/add the expression (in DESIGN VIEW)?
What Jerry W. was having you do is:
[quoted text clipped - 16 lines]

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