One text box with Lname on second line




I would like to force the last name to appear on the second line. Two text
boxes, lname below fname, doesn't work because I have subreports on the same
line which causes the lname to appear below the subreports.

Is there anything wrong with the following code:
=Trim([FName] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [LName])

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Boyce

I would use two text controls in a report. What is it about the placement
of your subreports that is causing the [lname] control to appear below them?

I didn't notice anything wrong with the expression ... what happens when you
use it?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner


Thanks, Jeff,
Resolution was the Can Grow property needed to be set to Yes. The two text
boxes didn't work because I had the fname/lname in col. 1, subreport in
col.2, textbox in col 3, 4 & 5, subreport in col 6...

Jeff Boyce said:
I would use two text controls in a report. What is it about the placement
of your subreports that is causing the [lname] control to appear below them?

I didn't notice anything wrong with the expression ... what happens when you
use it?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

SusieQ said:

I would like to force the last name to appear on the second line. Two text
boxes, lname below fname, doesn't work because I have subreports on the same
line which causes the lname to appear below the subreports.

Is there anything wrong with the following code:
=Trim([FName] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [LName])

Thanks in advance,

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