One to many Audit trails



Hi I found this code from utter angel for creating audit trails, and it does
not respond well to one to many tables within a query (error 3251, Operation
is not supported for this type of object).

I am trying to create an audit trail for all of my forms ....however I would
like to have only one table to store all of the changes.....any suggestions?
Thanks kindly.

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Public Sub WriteToAuditLog(ByRef frmThisForm As Form)

Dim ctlC As Control

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblAudit")
' If not passed a message, check the controls.

For Each ctlC In frmThisForm
Select Case ctlC.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acCheckBox, acComboBox
If Nz(ctlC.Value, "") <> Nz(ctlC.OldValue, "") Then
.Fields("FormName") = frmThisForm.NAME
.Fields("FieldChanged") = ctlC.NAME
.Fields("FieldChangedFrom") = ctlC.OldValue
.Fields("FieldChangedTo") = ctlC.Value
.Fields("User") = GetUserName()
End If
End Select
Next ctlC
' Add the message.
.Fields("FormName") = frmThisForm.NAME

.Fields("User") = GetUserName()
End If
End With

Exit Sub

DisplayError "WriteToAuditLog", conModuleName
Resume ExitProcedure

End Sub

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