One to many conundrum



Got a bit of a brain teaser. I have a one to many query
that is giving me some duplicate data because of the many
side of the query(I am only using one of the fields from
the many side). Anyone know how to take the many side of
the query and create additional fields at the end of the
query so that I only have one unique record for each
instance? Example

This is what I get:
Name Address Phone Number
John Smith 123 East Street 111-111-1111
John Smith 123 East Street 222-222-2222

This is what I want:
Name Address Phone Number Phone Number
John Smith 123 East Street 111-111-1111 222-222-2222

Any ideas???


Douglas J. Steele

You sure you want to do that? This sounds like a class form-subform setup,
where the recordset for the form would be your unique records, then the
phone numbers would show on the subform.

What you want can be done through queries (albeit very ugly queries), and it
wouldn't be updatable, since there's no way of being able to do it without
using a Union query (unless you'll always have 2 phone numbers for each

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