One to Many mail merge?


Henry Biggs


I am trying to merge my interviewers for school interviews
with their interviewees. I have the db set up workably in
Access, and I have my one to many query working ok, but I
can't seem to get the one-to-many to work on my mail
merges. Instead, I get a different, one-to-one letter.

What I would like to do is have *one* letter for the
interviewer, e.g.,


Greetings Joe Interviewer,

You have the following candidates to interview:

Interviewee 1

Interviewee 2

Interviewee 3

All best,



Is this type of mail merge possible? Thanks so much in
advance for your help...

Henry Biggs, Asst Dean
College of Arts & Sciences
Washington University
Saint Louis, MO 63130

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Henry,

Start with the discussion about one-to-many in the MailMerge
FAQ on my website (Special Merges section). There are links
to sample files. From the example you show, I'd say
concentrate on the DATABASE field approach.
I am trying to merge my interviewers for school interviews
with their interviewees. I have the db set up workably in
Access, and I have my one to many query working ok, but I
can't seem to get the one-to-many to work on my mail

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Hi Henry,

Have sent you some example files to show how this layout is achievable.
Check them out and see what you think.
Microsoft article Q211303 shows the workings.


Henry Biggs


Thanks so much for the files--I will check this out, but it
looks very promising.

I very much appreciate the help!


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