One to Many


Dorian Chalom

If I have a data file like:

Student ID Student Name ..... Class..... Date
Attendace Code
1 Sam Jones Art 1/20/2000
1 Sam Jones Gym 1/21/2000
2 David Bing Math 1/20/2000

And I want to do a form letter like:

Dear the Parents of Sam Jones;

Your student, Sam Jones, attendance for the following classes on
the folling dates was:

1/20/2000 1/21/2000
Art A
Gym L

How could I do this?

Dorian Chalom

Actually the data tabke can be:

Stud ID Student Name... Class... 1/20/2000 1/21/2000
1 Sam Jones Art A
1 Sam Jones Gym L
2 David Bing Math A

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Dorian,

Look in the "Special Merges" section of my website's Mail Merge FAQ. You'll
find a short discussion of the three approaches available to you. It looks to
me like you *might* be able to use the DATABASE field one.
I want to do a form letter like:

Dear the Parents of Sam Jones;

Your student, Sam Jones, attendance for the following classes on
the folling dates was:

1/20/2000 1/21/2000
Art A
Gym L

How could I do this?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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