Dorian Chalom
If I have a data file like:
Student ID Student Name ..... Class..... Date
Attendace Code
1 Sam Jones Art 1/20/2000
1 Sam Jones Gym 1/21/2000
2 David Bing Math 1/20/2000
And I want to do a form letter like:
Dear the Parents of Sam Jones;
Your student, Sam Jones, attendance for the following classes on
the folling dates was:
1/20/2000 1/21/2000
Art A
Gym L
How could I do this?
Student ID Student Name ..... Class..... Date
Attendace Code
1 Sam Jones Art 1/20/2000
1 Sam Jones Gym 1/21/2000
2 David Bing Math 1/20/2000
And I want to do a form letter like:
Dear the Parents of Sam Jones;
Your student, Sam Jones, attendance for the following classes on
the folling dates was:
1/20/2000 1/21/2000
Art A
Gym L
How could I do this?