one to many?




I am a longtime paradox programmer is having a hard time
seeing the "light" in ACCESS. One to many in ACCESS
seems beyond my..

Jeff Boyce

Relational database design (Access is one) shows the relationships between
entities by the table structure and relationships.

If you were creating an online Order system, in which each Order could have
multiple "detail" lines (quantity = 3 of Item # 99999 @ price = $29.95;
quantity = 1 of Item # 12345 @ price = $199.99; etc.), you've just described
a one-to-many relationship.

Ken Snell

I think your post got cut off... but "one to many" is not an unusual

For example, think of a set of libraries. Suppose that you want to have your
database store the contents of 20 libraries. You'd have a table that lists
each library using a unique (primary key) identifier. In each library are
many books. Thus, the relationship of a library to books is One-to-Many, as
your database would need to store the list of books in a table and include
for each book the library (or libraries) in which the book is located. Thus,
one library has many books.

And one book may have many authors.

And one author may have many names.

Or one author may have many books.


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