OneNote 2003 Trial SP2 - Changing Order of Pages in Page Titles Ar



Hello. I am running ON2003 Trial SP2. I am really enjoying using this
application for school. I do have a question, though. I did a search on the
Discussion Forum and didn't find it so I apologize up front if this has
already been answered.

I want to know if there is any way to change the order of the new pages as
they are created. Meaning.... let's say I get to class, start up OneNote and
go to my "ECON 200" section. ON defaults to the last page I was using when I
was in this section and I click on the 'New Page' button on the right to add
a new page for today's notes. I noticed that ON is adding the New Page tab
at the bottom of the list of tabs for the already existing pages.

What I would like to do is change the order so that the newly-created page's
tab defaults to be at the top to eliminiate scrolling as I get farther into
the semester.

Is this possible?

Rainald Taesler

Lirianna shared these words of wisdom:
Hello. I am running ON2003 Trial SP2. I am really enjoying using
this application for school.

I'm sure you would even enjoy the new version OneNote 2007 far more.
MS has done a great job in improving a fine tool by far.

The new version will appear in the shops soon. And in the meantime ypu
may use the fully functional ON 2007 Trial.
It's available for download here:


Japan: http:/ /



P.S. Unfortunately I can not help you on the page sorting in ON 2003.
I had bought the full version of ON and used it only for some 10 days
or so when I came across the Beta for 2007. And then I immediately
made the move to the new product because it had to offer so much more.

Rainald Taesler

Lirianna shared these words of wisdom:
Thank you for your input! Does ON 2007 allow for page sorting
within sections?

No. But did not miss it at all during all the long moons Ihave been
using it <bg>.

And I think that Irina's work around might do the job.


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