


How do I make corrections within a sentence ?
When I convert to text, there may be a word that is mis-interpreted and I
would like to correct this one word. Onenote selects the entire sentence.

Chris H.

Which Tablet PC are you running? Use your pen to select the individual
words, just as you would drag the mouse over it. Please note there is a BIG
difference between a Tablet PC and a laptop, especially since OneNote uses
digital recognizers and takes advantage of the Tablet's built-in advances.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


I have an Averatec 3500 Tablet PC.

Chris H. said:
Which Tablet PC are you running? Use your pen to select the individual
words, just as you would drag the mouse over it. Please note there is a BIG
difference between a Tablet PC and a laptop, especially since OneNote uses
digital recognizers and takes advantage of the Tablet's built-in advances.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris H.

I'm jealous, that is a very nice machine. :cool: Yes, you're correct on
converted text. I use a USB (Microsoft Notebook Optical Mouse) mouse when I
want to change converted text. With the mouse, I can double-click the word
I want to change, then use the pen with the Tablet Input Panel to replace or
correct spelling.

Are you running Windows XP SP2 and the Tablet PC Edition 2005 on the
Averatec? It is much better than the original.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Hi Chris,
I think I installed all the necessary updates. Thanks for the advice about
the mouse. I thought I was getting one from Santa but looks like I have to
get my own. :)
Happy New Year

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