OneNote 2007 beta feedback


- Matt -

Dear Microsoft.

I find OneNote 2007 beta generally great. But a couple of points:

- I find formatting text really tedious. As soon as I start using different
fonts, OneNote almost invariable uses the one I don't want (e.g. in tables, I
want my body worws to be the same, not all the same as the first row.).
Changing font is lot of mousing and problematic. Why isn't there a format
painter in Word?
- Why can't I select rows and columns in tables?
- My flags list seems to have been zapped. Only the first couple are
assigned. There should be a function to reset the flags to the default



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Rainald Taesler

Changing font is lot of mousing and problematic. Why isn't there a format
painter in Word?

I have this on my list of things to post in "Connect" (the place where one
submit bugs as well as suggestions to the developers' team).

IMO this indeed is one of the most needed features (even as mediocre as it
is implemented in Word [compared to AmiPro where this was existing far
earlier than MS finally adopted it]).

Just posted in "Connct" I'll vote for you.


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