OneNote 2007 - Page Date Stamps


Judy Reese

I am using OneNote 2007, having upgraded from 2003. I have a
problem/question about the time and date stamp on each page.

First -- is it possible to have that moved to a different location on
the page, such as the upper right corner (where it was in 2003). While
it is possible to cut/paste the date to another location, you then lose
the handy calendar attached to it.

Second -- one of my notebooks contains minutes from meetings that go
back 10 years. When I do a search thru these minutes for something they
are sorted by date -- not by the date of the actual minutes which is
what I desire, but by the date of the date stamp on the page. Obviously,
those dates represent the date the pages were created so the sort
results become hard to use.

I know it's possible to change the date by using the popup calendar, but
there is no easy way I've found in the calendar to go back several
*years*, as opposed to months, since the only navigation options seem to
be by month. Is there an easier way to change a date when you need to go
back several years?

Third -- I have occasionally just deleted these off a page, since they
had no relation to the date *I* wanted on the page, but have found that
that doesn't work, since the page is still invisibly stamped with that
date. Once deleted, is there any way to get this date stamp with the
calendar visible on the page again so it can be changed?

Thanks for any insight anyone can give me on these issues.


Grant Robertson

Once deleted, is there any way to get this date stamp with the
calendar visible on the page again so it can be changed?

Since you plan to change the dates anyway, just create a new page and
move all the stuff to it. Then just delete the page with the missing
"date stamp."

All the rest, I wouldn't bother with if I were you. Short of writing a
program to dig out the date of the file embedded in the page then change
the page date to match I can't see any way to change these quickly.

Judy Reese

Grant said:
All the rest, I wouldn't bother with if I were you. Short of writing a
program to dig out the date of the file embedded in the page then change
the page date to match I can't see any way to change these quickly.

Thanks so much for the response. I guess the problem is that the whole
reason for putting this info into OneNote is to have it in one place (it
was previously in hundreds of separate Word files) to make it easy to
search on and part of what I'm looking for in the results is the date!

The one work around I have found is to be sure the date I want is the
page title, and then sort on Titles, but of course the search list
defaults to sorting by date, so that adds a step.

But I would like to suggest for future upgrades a way to specify a year
in the calendar icon. I have a calendar control I use in my Access
databasees that does that -- has a text box to type in the year, then
you can move to the month/day you want. That would be helpful to have.



Steve Silverwood

I keep a lot of documents in OneNote in a similar fashion, but what I
did was to embed the date in the form yyyy-mm-dd in the title of the
page. I keep all of the documents of one type -- in this case, it
would be "Minutes" -- in a single folder, then I just put the date for
the meeting as 2007-05-21 for today. If I have more than one document
for a particular day, I add a timestamp like, "2007-05-21 14:30"
(using the 24-hour time format so that PM always comes after AM in the
sort sequence). This usually does the job for me.

Thanks so much for the response. I guess the problem is that the whole
reason for putting this info into OneNote is to have it in one place (it
was previously in hundreds of separate Word files) to make it easy to
search on and part of what I'm looking for in the results is the date!

The one work around I have found is to be sure the date I want is the
page title, and then sort on Titles, but of course the search list
defaults to sorting by date, so that adds a step.

But I would like to suggest for future upgrades a way to specify a year
in the calendar icon. I have a calendar control I use in my Access
databasees that does that -- has a text box to type in the year, then
you can move to the month/day you want. That would be helpful to have.



Judy Reese

Thanks for the suggestion Steve.

Actually I ended up spending an afternoon going thru the pages and
resetting the page date on each one manually using the popup calendar.
The ability to be able to search & sort by date was important enough to
me to make it worth the effort. Now, each time I have a new file to add
I just be sure the date on that page is set correctly, and all is well.
I usually actually delete the time stamp on the pages, since that isn't
needed for my purposes.


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