OneNote 2007 shuts down immediately after I one it with Error mess



The error message I get is:

"Microsoft Office OneNote has encountered a problem and needs to close. The
information you were working on might be lost. Microsoft Office OneNote can
try to recover it for you."

It has a box I can check to recover the work and restart. However, once it
restarts I get the same thing all over again. I have uninstalled and
re-installed it with no change. I have downloaded all the current patches,
etc., but it stil does this. I have also Debugged it... no luck. Curiously,
in Outlook 07, when I select a group of Contacts to print, and Preview them
first, I get this very same message and problem. That's the only time I have
an issue with Outlook, though. Otherwise, I can run Outllook with no
problem. OneNote won't run at all without this error.

Rainald Taesler

As this is the 3rd therad wit the same question:
Let this one die and reply in the first one.


Thnx...can you point me to the thread you're referring to? I searched for
such a thread before I posted my question, but didn't find one.

Rainald Taesler

udontquit said:
Thnx...can you point me to the thread you're referring to? I searched
for such a thread before I posted my question, but didn't find one.

I was just referring to your own thread.
You had posted the same thing three times.


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