OneNote and Calenders



It is sad that OneNote has everything I need to work with in terms of content
notes and management. But what is sad is no calender function to coordinate
with notes, so one is forced to use two applications to meet needs,
especially for small business, such as the basic Windows Live Calender.

Get a functional, high-end calender built into OneNote and you'll have the
praises of millions, upgrade the price, and watch what happens.

How come you don't have this necessity. People like an all inclusive
application for what OneNote does, but to coordinate all notes and items with
a calender is a no brainer, but you just simply don't do this... very
sad....... There is no reason to go to third party people such as

But hey...what to do...

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Rainald Taesler

makaiman said:
It is sad that OneNote has everything I need to work with in terms
of content notes and management. But what is sad is no calender
function to coordinate with notes, so one is forced to use two
applications to meet needs, especially for small business, such as
the basic Windows Live Calender.

ON has really much to offer. But one has to keep in mind that it's an
Office Product and a part of the Office Suite which contains Outlook.
Get a functional, high-end calender built into OneNote and you'll
have the praises of millions, upgrade the price, and watch what

It might be good idea add calendar functionality, especially for the
purpose of linking of calendar items and information.
As a long time user of the "Lotus Organizer" (had it already before
Lotus bought it) I'm still seriously suffering from being *forced* to
use Outlook (on the one side because Lotus did let this fantastic
application die, OTH because of the need to keep my data in sync with my
PDA which only works with Outlook). I always hated the concept of
Outlook and I still do {siiiigh}.
Outlook is terribly poor if it comes to linking information and the
present implementation of ON-OL co-operation is still in a seriously
underdeveloped state.

But I don't know if the integration of calendar functionality would be
possible at all (for sure not a "high-end" calendar as you wish to have.
And I fear that it might make ON bloated.
But perhaps implementing something like what "GoBinder" has would be
How come you don't have this necessity. People like an all inclusive
application for what OneNote does,

I do not think so.
ON is not - and not be - a fully blown wordprocessor nearly as powerful
as Word, it won't be a replacement for working with tables as many do
with Excel. And it can not be as functional as Outlook is.
but to coordinate all notes and
items with a calender is a no brainer, but you just simply don't do
this... very sad....... There is no reason to go to third party people such as

Sorry, the fine application Josh Einstein has put together has hardly
anything to do with the subject we are talking about here. It's
something totally different from a personal calender.

But IMO there is not too much use in whining in here.
You may post as a suggestion describing your wishes for the next
version in "Connect", the place for submitting
suggestions and bug reports to the developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.



I don't understand what you are trying to do with a calendar that you can't
do with Outlook integration. Your use must be different from mine. I can
schedule something on a calendar in Outlook, then "send to onenote" and it
sets up all the onenote stuff linked to the calendar. I have thought the
integration with Outlook is fantastic.

Rainald Taesler

Prilosec said:
I don't understand what you are trying to do with a calendar that
you can't do with Outlook integration.

The OP most probably would like a OneNote *without* the necessity to
have Outlook in addition.
Just an application which has a calendar app *integrated* and allowing
to work with appointments *inside* ON.

On my side: Using information in a *linked* way.
Your use must be different
from mine. I can schedule something on a calendar in Outlook, then
"send to onenote" and it sets up all the onenote stuff linked to
the calendar.

And what later?
One does not even see that the appointment is linked to ON!!
And there is no *synching* at all. No change in OL will be transferred
to ON. So f.e. if the appointment is re-scheduled one has to manually
change things in ON. The same if the Agenda changes
I have thought the integration with Outlook is fantastic.

Anything but That. Workable in some way but far from being usable in a
really productive way.



I agree I can't really find anything within Outlook that indicates the
appointment is linked. However, if you click on the big "meeting notes"
button, you find that your notes page in OneNote opens up. Changes to the
appointment change in the appt details box. Changes in notes change there,
too. These are linked and update each other (although not much visible
really changes in Outlook).
I actually find this operates pretty well. Use Outlook to schedule, which it
is naturally built for, and OneNote to keep notes, linking the two entries.
In fact, you can't delete the OneNote linked page until you delete the
Outlook appointment (at least I could not). I am using Office and ON 2007,
if that makes a difference.
I would have a problem if MS tried to make ON into some gigantic piece of
software instead of a clever database which it now is. If they did start
adding stuff and made it bloated and more complicated, I think they'd get a
lot more complaints than they do now from the few who, for whatever reason,
don't want to use Outlook.
I am an "old hand" at Outlook now, and use it for a lot in a stand-alone
environment for business. I am much newer to OneNote but have quickly become
a believer in the idea. Some of the meeting notes I send to attendees after
the meeting are popular enough that others are now looking into OneNote. It
is largely the Outlook integration that allows this to work for me, as
Outlook is my CRM backbone. I know there are better programs out there, but
Outlook is a great app for people like me who 1. don't want to buy something
else 2. don't want to learn something else 3. have to sync with a variety of
devices and programs. I am hoping to find more practical applications and
tips for One Note somewhere, like they have had for Outlook for 10 years or


Maybe not what you are looking for, but you gave me an idea. In Outlook,
create a new Journal entry. call it anything you want, but give it the time
and date of your meeting/notebook page. On your ON page, right click the tab
and copy a hyperlink. Go back to the OL Journal entry and paste the link.
This gives you a dated reference to the page in whatever view you want in
Journal/ OL (timeline, list,etc.). It is kind of clunky and maybe somebody
has a better or easier way to do this, but if you really want to look at a
calendar and see what notes are where, this is a way to do it.

Josh Einstein

I've developed a feature to automate this actually. It'll be in the next
release of my software but unfortunately I don't have an ETA on that.

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