OneNote and .pdf files and other shorcomings



Does anyone know of a way to get .pdf files that are the called-upon web page
into OneNote? OneNote could be so useful, but it seems hamstrung, badly, by
a few shortcomings:
1. unless there's something i don't get, when i send a web page that is a
..pdf file to OneNote, all that gets posted is the .pdf link--which is
absolutely NOT what one would want--I'd like the .pdf file itself saved and
to open as it does in Explorer
2. unless you remember to click on "print version' or "one-page version"
for multi-page newsstories BEFORE sending to OneNote, al you get is the page
you're on.
3. again, unless there's someting i don't get, you can't move text blocks
from one section/page/folder of OneNote to another by drag-and-drop--seems
only cut and paste works

Anyone know of workarounds, etc.?

Don MI

gkbratch said:
Does anyone know of a way to get .pdf files that are the called-upon web
into OneNote? OneNote could be so useful, but it seems hamstrung, badly,
a few shortcomings:
1. unless there's something i don't get, when i send a web page that is a
.pdf file to OneNote, all that gets posted is the .pdf link--which is
absolutely NOT what one would want--I'd like the .pdf file itself saved
to open as it does in Explorer
2. unless you remember to click on "print version' or "one-page version"
for multi-page newsstories BEFORE sending to OneNote, al you get is the
you're on.
3. again, unless there's someting i don't get, you can't move text blocks
from one section/page/folder of OneNote to another by drag-and-drop--seems
only cut and paste works

Anyone know of workarounds, etc.?

With respect to *.pdf files. When the file is open in Internet Explorer,
use the Save a Copy icon to save a copy of the file to your computer. In
Windows Explorer, right click on the *.pdf file and select Copy. Go to
OneNote and Paste the file. What you will get will be a shortcut to the file
in your computer. You can choose during the paste process where you want
the file located.

When you click on the shortcut, the file will open in whatever application
you have associated with *.pdf files.


Microsoft News Groups

Deary -

For your PDF troubles, you might try the OneNote Image Writer PowerToy: which
will allow you to automatically print your PDF into a ON section. The
current version doesn't allow you to search but it is pretty peachy.

You could also use the Office Image Writer and do the same thing, but that's
a lot more work and requires ON SP#1.

Good luck, honey.

Aunt Bea

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