OneNote avoids the system tray



No matter how many times I uncheck and recheck Tools:Options:place ON in
system tray, it now refuses to reside there. The registry entry also
indicates that it ON should be shown in the system tray, but ON disobeys
even the High Registry. Should I reinstall or is there some other solution?

Kathy Jacobs

The following is a wild idea but, let's try it anyway:
Is it possible that your taskbar is locked? If you unlock it, then check the
box, does it appear?

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Rev. Michael L. Burns

My OneNote icon used to often get hidden in the taskbar because I didn't use
it often enough. If this is what's happening in your case you can
right-click on the Start button in the taskbar, select properties, select
the Taskbar tab in the window that opens, then click Customize. Scroll down
through the list of applications listed until you come to the OneNote icon
(Mine says something like 'Open and New SideNote'). If it says "Hide When
Inactive" then click on it and select "Always Show" from the dropdown
selection. This cured my problem.



The following is a wild idea but, let's try it anyway:
Is it possible that your taskbar is locked? If you unlock it, then check
the box, does it appear?

No. The process doesn't run at all, as shown in the task manager.

Ilya Koulchin

Stephen said:
No matter how many times I uncheck and recheck Tools:Options:place ON in
system tray, it now refuses to reside there. The registry entry also
indicates that it ON should be shown in the system tray, but ON disobeys
even the High Registry. Should I reinstall or is there some other solution?

Could you go into the OneNote install directory and run onenotem.exe?
Does that result in the icon being placed in the system tray? If the
icon appears and stays you should try repairing the OneNote
installation. If the icon appears and then disappears, or doesn't
appear, it's possible that it's crashing. Go to the control panel, open
the event viewer, and see if there are entries from the "windows error
reporting" source corresponding to onenotem.exe. If there are, could you
post the bucket number?


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